Bush Radio

All followers of Vintagewala, here is a unique piece which I don't own but would love to!!

The vintage master piece - Bush Radio!!

How cute and classic it looks with his creamy sheen and compass dial! Isn't it a collectors item the dream of every Vintagewala!!

I discovered it while watching Film version of Half of a Yellow Sun by Adichie. It's a great movie and does part justice to the book. Along with the Naughty Little Flea song I discovered the radio when Odinigbo is listening about the first coup in Nigeria!!
(Forgive the tardy images from the movie video)

Look at the complete intellectual settings - the pink book open and upturned, the vintage spectacles, a glass of vine, and a pretty radio!! That's how I would imagine myself too listening to Radio with book and a glass of vine!! Bliss!!

Wikipedia says Bush Radio is one of the most famous names amongst early British radios. This particular model is 1959 TR82 transistor portable - a design icon of the early transistor radios. The original Bush Radio company merged with Murphy Radio in 1962, and a new company was formed called Rank Bush Murphy Ltd. Now Murphy is another vintage item on my watch list. Remember Barfi!!!

Thankfully there is good news! You can buy retro or vintage pieces on eBay.

So start collecting vintage and if you choose to wait that's also fine - after all the older the better!!


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