
As I sit next to my window tracing the drops of rain collecting and falling in line...leaving residue behind to evaporate and fall again...

I wonder.... Why we love rains... I dont thing I have to answer that. .. every year we wait for Monsoons to downpour and wash away the dry scorching heat and moisturise our lives...

The earth bursts out to welcome the drops of rains drinking in the sounds of splash and shine of the dazzling blues and greens....

Monsoons I await you and love you.. I never said so but you are my favourite season... you can be less or more but never enough... you can be late and early but always awaited... if ever I leave India and Bombay... more than anything, I will miss the Monsoons, the most special thing about India...

The best time to Travel and see the joy of life in India is monsoons...the harbinger of festivities and the celebrations. .. monsoons is the nature's water works...

Waiting for the rain! 


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